Failing thru incompetence

“During these first weeks of his honeymoon period, Trump successfully launched his shock and awe campaign against America’s democratic institutions, the rule of law, and a sense of normalcy and consistency. With his almost one hundred executive orders and other edicts, Trump has done such things as attempt to void the 14th Amendment, reverse 60 years of civil rights progress, launch a nationwide mass deportation campaign, declare a national emergency to combat the “border crisis,” free his MAGA followers who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, weaponize the Department of Justice as his personal enforcers, removed non-partisan inspectors-generals from government agencies so that he can put his loyalists in power, and ordered a freeze on federal grants and loans totaling many billions of dollars. Further cementing his personalist rule, Donald Trump’s Cabinet appointees are also being quickly confirmed by the Republican-controlled Senate. Trump’s so-called mandate is his own making.

Some of these actions by Donald Trump are clear violations of the Constitution and the law. He does not care. The right-wing justices on the Supreme Court have made Trump a de facto dictator and king and he intends to use that power.”


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